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Why Rodent Infestation is Your Worst Nightmare?

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Why Rodent Infestation is Your Worst Nightmare?

Rodent Infestation | Attic Cleaning San Rafael, CA

Attics are a source for many horror movies and stories. They are dark, moist, and great producers of horrific scary noises. The perfect backdrop for a terrifying scene that will make you jump off your seat. The problem starts when this nightmare becomes your reality. One of the reasons for that to happen is rodent infestation right above your head in your very own home's attic. Here’s why this is your worst nightmare, or at least way up there.

Rodents lurking in the dark

Rodents just love attics. It's the perfect place for them to breed and flourish. If not taken care of in time, you'll soon find rats, mice, bats and other pests living happily ever after in your home's attic. The noises you hear from your attic? They are scurrying rats. The squeaking noises? – bats. Rodents also leave feces and urine all over, which can cause very severe health issues and malodors.

Body effects

Viruses and bacteria rule attics when left unattended. Don’t think for one second that you and your family are protected by thinking it's only the “attic’s problem”. Even if you don’t open the attic at all, soon the bacteria will spread further into your house, believe it or not, leading to various diseases and health issues, such as: headaches, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness and worse.

What can you do about it?

There is only one solution for this kind of problem - rodent proofing. It is a comprehensive process in which all rodents' entry points to the house are completely sealed. It starts with a thorough inspection from a well-trained, certified team of experts that checks your attic inside and out for any contaminating pests and their entryways. Then, starts the proofing process which effectively prevents any other rodents from making their way into your house.

Don’t block your ears, pretending that you didn’t hear anything coming from the attic. Rodents might be up there whether you like it or not. Proofing the whole area will make sure none of these curious animals will feel the urge to explore the inside of your home, protecting your family from getting dangerous diseases and keeping them safe. Call for attic inspection and rodent proofing today, so you can sleep well at night, with no worries on your mind, guaranteed!


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Oct 16, 2024
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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